Results Of Infill And Step Out RC Drilling Along Northern Edge Of Main Goldstrike Deposit
VANCOUVER, BC - Liberty Gold Corp. reported results from the Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling program at the Goldstrike Project, the flagship of its three principal gold projects located in southwestern Utah. Goldstrike is a past-producing oxide - heap leach gold mine that contains a large, shallow, district-scale, Carlin-style gold system.
The northern portion of the Main Goldstrike Deposit was tested with RC holes pursuant to infilling gaps in the existing resource model. Mineralization in this area, known as the Dip Slope zone, is relatively shallow and drilling in 2018 was restricted to widely spaced, pre-determined roads and pads. With the receipt of an amendment to the Plan of Operations that permits placement of roads and pads in optimal locations, additional drilling is planned in 2019 that will fully address the infill drilling program. The new Plan of Operations opens up over 2 square kilometers of new ground on the northern boundary to the Goldstrike Deposit for resource expansion.
Liberty Gold drilled a total of 24,716 m in 200 RC and 15 diamond core holes in 2018. The objective of the drilling reported below was to continue to push the pit-constrained resource outward and downward, to grow the resource and convert Inferred resources to Indicated resources.
The company continued to meet project enhancement goals in 2018, commencing with a maiden resource estimate. A subsequent Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) is based on this resource, which includes drill results through the end of 2017. The 2018 reverse circulation program was completed on November 1. The program focused on 1) infill and expansion of the resource; 2) testing of the historic heap-leach, stockpile and waste dump areas that are largely situated within the PEA pit and counted as waste in the model; and 3) testing of new targets property-wide.
The company’s address is Suite 1900, 1055 West Hastings Street, Vancouver
BC V6E 2E9, (604) 632- 4677,